Well, instead of dying in the city under the care of modern cardiology, I finally made it back to my paradise, my Sanctuary. I was six months away from here, which was too long. I was supposed to have surgery and stents put in my almost blocked coronary arteries. Still, my Natural Allopathic Protocol did the job, and I am 90% off all of the doctors’ pharmaceuticals, even almost off my blood pressure medications.
In this personal essay, I want to share my joy of still walking the earth, especially in my Sanctuary. I was here alone for a month, and then my wife, two daughters, a new son-in-law, my two-year-old grandson, and my three sons arrived.
About three months ago, that big bird in my hand arrived to stay and is now our pet. It is an Arara, and it screams, sings, whistles, and talks, especially in the morning as flocks of other Arara fly over and around our Sanctuary. Sitting right under my bedroom veranda, he is an interesting new twist to my life.
I find it easier to do my disciplines here: yoga, leg strengthening exercises, breathing with the Frolov, meditation, and using my Ma-Roller daily. I am working out with weights, doing my best to recover from my severe vascular disease—naturally, of course. And I will continue with the Cyclodextrins that have driven my blood pressure down to get me almost off my pressure meds.
I don’t think I have been this thin in decades, and I think I look pretty good for a man of 72 years who was threatened with death not so long ago. My wife Luciana, of course, is happy that I am still around. However, she still prefers city life and being there with our two youngest kids, who are not so young anymore. But here I intend to stay as life becomes more confusing and threatening in the outside world. Sooner or later, others will run for cover and flock to paradise. So, I am not worried about being alone for too long.
At night, I sleep with no EMF instead of the flood in Brasilia, Brazil’s capital, about three hours away. The air is clean, and the water is untreated with chlorine and fluoride. It is the rainy season, so it rains every day. Once in a while, we see the sun, like this morning when I could solar gaze.
Six months ago, when I was at my worst, my consciousness collapsed; I got depressed, and for a being like me, and indeed for my wife, it was too much. I cannot afford negative thoughts because my mind is overly strong. When my wife started crying after caring for me for months, that pierced my heart, and I began to come out of my deep funk.
Really appreciate this info. I am in Scotland and may well come and join you. Not sure yet if The Universe wants me in the revolution or not.
I have been using Chlorine Dioxide for 15 years, since I used it to heal my body after dengue and chikungunya in Thailand, so I do not have a doctor. Such health independence allows me to live where I wish.
Delighted to see you looking so happy and at peace. I love your recipe for Magnesium Super Water and share it with everyone. You are a star*
“His retreat into himself is not a final renunciation of the world, but a search for quietude, where alone it is possible for him to make his contribution to the life of the community.”
- C. G. Jung