Zelenskyy recently said an “invitation for Ukraine to join NATO is necessary for our survival.” I guess that means he and his government and even more of its soldiers and people are going to die because they are never going to be a part of NATO. Under Trump, even America perhaps will not be part of NATO.
In this disgusting video below, we can see Zelenskyy playing the piano with his penis; no kidding, making one wonder what kind of world we live in where European and American politicians give him a gram of respect.
No doubt a lunatic that has had hundreds of thousands of his people killed, is it really a piano-playing penis that is bringing not only Ukraine to destruction but perhaps the world through the threat of nuclear war? I do not know of any American or European politicians who play piano with their penises, but they must be as sick and crazy as him to play serious war games with him.
Has human psychology and politics caved to the point where we deserve mass destruction? I hate to think so, but our civilization’s foundations are built on lies and deception about almost everything. I wonder, after years of terrible war, if the Ukrainians in the audience in the above video are still laughing.
Is America in this war because the Biden family is being blackmailed for their involvement in Ukraine? Some see that family as a crime family, with the president now pardoning all crimes of his family in the last days of his presidency.
There seems to be a competition for the sickest and most insane, with many competing for the title. Zelenskiy seeks a diplomatic end to Russia’s war floats role for foreign troops, which, of course, Russia will never allow.
The banality of evil - that is what the little man in the janitor outfit personifies. One might as well add to that the mediocrity of his "leadership". All of this while the little man enriches himself and his entourage with money-laundered manna from the U.S. and elsewhere. Many hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians have been slaughtered due to his failure to reach a peace accord with the Russians and his willingness to be a patsy for the U.S. proxy war.
No, there is no respect for an ingrate such as Zelenskyy.
(I admit that I got carried away once I started.)
I've heard many times about the sketch in which Zelensky supposedly played the piano with his penis and, as a piano player myself, I could never imagine how this could be. At least I've now finally seen it. Were it not for the knowledge of what this horrible little man would do in the years after this routine, I would simply dismiss it as low-brow, off-colour humour but I found myself wondering how many of that audience had subsequently been sent to their horrible deaths by this wretched "comedian". That is no laughing matter.
He certainly deserves no respect. The very sight of him disgusts me. The sound of his voice fills me with revulsion. I feel that he has sunk as low as it is possible for any human being to sink. It would be natural to absolutely hate him.
And yet...
There is part of me that simply pities him. He unwisely allowed himself to be manoeuvred into a political role which was way above his abilities. Possibly, he assumed that role with honourable intentions only to find that, once he had been elected, he not only had no real authority but he was actually a hostage to the more streetwise Nazis by whom he was surrounded.
Yes, he lacked the moral strength to resist the pressure under which he then found himself. He found that his options were either to play his acting role or to be rubbed out. His controllers, having identified his moral flaws, proceeded to exploit his greed, his vanity, his lusts and his prediliction for narcotics. They trapped him.
I'm not saying that he is in any way a decent or nice person.
However, most of us never find ourselves exposed to such coercion, temptation and exploitation at a level where we are manipulated to ultimately cause such immense human suffering and international tension because we found ourselves in over our heads and our weaknesses were ruthlessly exploited. We should be grateful that we have never been in such a position.
I would like to think that I would sooner die than comply with such wickedness. But I have never walked so much as a yard, far less a mile, in those shoes.
I think that part of my revulsion at the very sight of Zelensky is because, if I'm brutally honest with myself, I have to ask myself how I would have behaved in his position, in a horrifically corrupt society where only a tiny minority of the population feel any sense of financial security.
A society in which most of the people with whom I had grown up are living in dire poverty and are struggling to survive. A society in which the "rule of law" is a sick joke and survival is dependent on complying with the gangsters and thugs who are really in charge. A society in which you have to do whatever it takes to pay your way.
Larry Johnson recently made a great analogy in which he compared 21st century Ukraine with the Russia which Putin inherited, then reformed. Larry referred to the classic James Stewart movie, "It's A Wonderful Life." Ukraine equates to the decadent, anarchic, lawless town of Pottersville (which would have devolved from Bedford Falls if Jimmy Stewart's character -- George Bailey -- had never been born). Putin is compared to George Bailey, the exceptional individual who made all the difference between the decline into decadence and corruption versus a society where honesty and decency were given the chance to flourish.
I think it's an insightful metaphor. While Zelensky himself may not be the equivalent of the irredeemably wicked Mr. Potter, the foul goons who took advantage of his weaknesses and placed him in position certainly are.
I repeat that I recognise the moral depravity and cowardly weakness of Zelensky.
He is ultimately responsible for being the architect of his own descent into evil.
But I also have to give thanks that I have not lived my life in the circumstances in which he grew up. "There, but for the Grace of God, go I" is the phrase which I constantly think of whenever I see the pathetic figure of the obnoxious man which he became.
I certainly do not respect him.
But I still feel some pity for him (probably because of what remains of my Catholic upbringing).
I am simply very sad that he has allowed himself to be corrupted into the most decadent, wretched, desperate specimen imaginable.
I still try to hate the sin but love the sinner. Or at least feel sorry for him. It's not easy.
May God have mercy on him.
May God forgive him for his sins.