Since the mRNA shots were designed to continually replicate the toxic and highly inflammatory spike protein, all injected people will have chronic inflammation unless they get rid of the spike/venom peptides. Expect accelerating poor health until you do. Watch The Antidote by Brian Ardis

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Dr.Sircus, which one of your book contains direct information addressing dietary intake changes that would heal/ benefit inflammation in the GI tract (own you state above in the article that diabetes has been directly linked to Systemic Inflammation Of The Digestive Tract) ? What about supplementation pro/prebiotics...? What are your views on fiber, which to my knowledge is only found in carbohydrates, which when consumed keep glucose levels elevated for longer...? [PLEASE NOTE my questions are for educational/ knowledge purposes only, not for treatment. Also I am fascinated by your website & interested in your books, in which order do you suggest them to be read (I am not a layperson, so technical/medical jargon will not deter me) many tx!

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