A central strategy has been used successfully to silence the truth. The labels of “conspiracy theorist,” “anti-vaxxer,” “climate denier,” “racist,” etc., are designed to shut down debates on the most critical topics modern civilization faces. The mainstream narrative, which includes the entire political establishment of the West, has made a habit of ridiculing those pointing out the obvious. The “anti-Semitism” label is no different. Expect to see it wielded with great tyranny.
Former US Army General Wesley Clark revealed a controversial military strategy many years ago. His 2007 revelation raised many questions about the real motivations of the “War on Terror” and the garbage narrative fed to the world via mainstream media.
According to Clark, the decision to attack Iraq was made without clear justification, underlining officials’ inability to deal effectively with the terrorist threat. A conversation between Clark and another senior Pentagon official revealed the uncertainty and confusion within the upper echelons of the military. “Are we going to war with Iraq? Why? ” Clark asked. The answer was puzzling: “I don’t know. I guess they don’t know what else to do.”
This admission highlighted the lack of a coherent strategy and a willingness to use military power to topple governments rather than directly confront what is at the heart of terrorism. Clark’s statement emphasized how the “War on Terror” had been executed ineffectively and for political reasons rather than a real need for national security.
Islamic Sharia Law, Infidels, and Rape
What is it that politicians in Europe and the United States refuse to address about terrorism? One needs to look no further than at rape, gang rape, and sexual and religious violence. Rape is manifesting in new ways never seen before in the West.
Rape is more acceptable to Muslim men, so men can gather in mass to do their raping. The greatest and most terrible act of terrorism is sexual violence against women and children. Even though anyone from anywhere can be a rapist causing terrible suffering for the rest of the life of victims, a significant part of rape comes from religion.
Everyone knows at this point how the attitudes of the Catholic Church lead to priests sexually abusing the young ones in their congregations, and through the years, the news has been full of that. It does seem like the celibacy teachings and practices of priests are not able to abolish the sexual impulse, so it gets expressed in hurtful ways. But the church will never give up the practice of celibacy, though I just read that in Italy, they are accepting homosexual priests.
“Everyone knows at this point how the attitudes of the Catholic Church lead to priests sexually abusing the young ones in their congregations, and through the years, the news has been full of that.”
Who is everyone ? The Communists?
Read about Bella Dodd and the Catholic Church
Then- Look at every religious human organization -
Full of terrible people
We are broken individuals capable of both good and evil.
Let’s not trivialize the Church that Jesus Christ himself started
All the others borrowed from its beginning and are man made and made up their own rules - and cut 7 books from the Bible bc they were a tad inconvenient .
Let’s try to do less bashing and more reading and praying for the good, the true and the beautiful.
We should all do our homework diligently.
It’s the only path up to The Truth- our Heavenly Father